National Socialism is the worldview of the last days

There are times when, as a writer and apologist for national socialism and aryanism, one must take a back seat to see what really goes on around us, and then publish articles starting what the answers are to humanities litany of problems. One of the books that I checked out from a local library concerning Hieronymus Bosch and his paintings on The Temptation of Saint Anthony ca. 1500s captivated my interest on what the end of the world is like before all things get better for the White Race that is constantly under attack by Jews and other non white bigots. The painting of Bosch is very lurid, and at the same time very disturbing, and at the same time intriguing to one with infinite curiosity of the unknown. The painting deals with the life of a bishop by the name of Saint Anthony who is deeply religious, and was filled with piety that he went from Mount Golgotha, but then the demons have abducted the saintly man through the air as he prays to God for mercy; furthermore, he then is escorted by a group of melancholic companions to the old roman temple which is in ruins, and from there he is severely tested for his faith to overcome all temptations, and all vices in order to be sanctified and reach the state of aestheticism in his life. We then observe that every part of the oil painting contains allegories and symbols that represent most, if not all of vices of mankind that is bound to the devil; moreover, at the end Saint Anthony (now old and feeble) becomes sanctified by god and reaches his state of perfection in spite of all his trials and sins he had committed.

In much of the same way, we national socialists and aryans are in this present time, much like in the past, are in travail in fight for our survival and our striving to reach to spiritual perfection of nobility in a world run by globalists, communists, Jews, freemasons and Zionists. Is it any wonder why at times we Aryans feel most of the time dejected from the things that go on in this world. The 24/7 news and media press only amplify the problems we already have now, and all forms of media never take our side on anything which is to be expected. Bosch’s work on The Temptation of Saint Anthony mirrors our daily ordeal in dealing with a world bereft of peace, joy and an everlasting life without pain and hardship from our youth.

We live in a world that hates Aryans and everything that has to do with National Socialism because it is run and operated by our Adversary the Jew, and every entertainment media, history books, and political articles all universally condemn National Socialism with a psychotic zeal that the truth is not in them. It seems that the news cycle, and the press all manufacture new crisis on the news and media every minute now that social media has taken center stage on every level of mass communication. The only people that truly seek to vindicate the history of National Socialist Aryans are the organization of The Institute for Historical Review, and other pro National Socialist publications that received inspiration from these groups that tell the truth about what happened in the 19th and 20th centuries with respect to impartially presenting National Socialist Aryan thought in their seminaries. The Institute for Historical Review has for decades come under attack by globalist media goons like: the Anti Defamation League (Pro Zionist League), the Wiesenthal Society (Cultural Zionists), SPLC, the United Nations, and other international bodies of democracy attack us relentlessly 24/7. Now is it any wonder why Aryans feel demoralized and beaten down by such hardened enemies that wish for us to go extinct, but we retort at them: HELL NO DO NOT TREAD ON US!

We all know up to now that the Russian and Ukrainian conflict is a manufactured war created by Zionists in the military industrial complex from the pentagon, Manhattan and Israel in order to bring in the Agenda 2030 program from the UN, install Big Brother Government, and all CULTURAL ZIONISTS aiming take away our freedom of speech and way of life in the process in every country. I say we become internet activists in voting our Aryan allies and our own kind to run for lawyers at the Hague, and ambassadors in the UN in order to dismantle and gradually diminish their superpowers altogether, and in that way we restore partial freedom to all the countries to aspire to remain nation states, and to make freedom of speech free and unconditional without qualifications, and all the laws of so-called “hate speech” be abolished in the process. Let us do as much damage to our enemies everyday and they will fail to take over the world for they will face us once again in warfare! It is time to abolish the UN, abolish the Hague, abolish the organization of human rights, and all other international bodies that represent neoliberalism international and communism as well!

Ultimately, National Socialism is the only answer for all Aryans to embrace it, for it will ensure that we beat the dimension of time, and reach the end of the world by inaugurating the era of eternity, and an Aryan Civilization which will never perish, nor die, but that it will last for all eternity. Mestizarianism seeks to fulfill these goals in every generation under good Chilean National Socialist mandate to reach our goals to transition from time, and decadent materialism into eternity and everlasting youth and joy without pain and without end!

We affirm freedom as unconditional and affirm Aryanism and National Socialism as unconditional to our beliefs, and beliefs to be held without qualifications, therefore, let no one debate us on why we believe such things because they seek not genuine answers from the White Aryan, but our enemies seek to undermine us at every level including our cherished beliefs and our way of life. Anyone who questions the National Socialist and Aryan Worldview must be put to death, and punished severely for even questioning us at every turn and at every given opportunity, for it is not for them to know what we believe, but it is out of love for our Aryan Kind and Our Kinsmen that we protect and repurify our own blood biologically, so that we may become truly aryan and become sanctified by our own repurified blood line! I believe, like all Aryans and National Socialists, that we will win this battle against all Evil in the last days, and that divine providence will guide us and assure us the victory for our posterity, and for securing our hope and expectation that eternity and a new Hyperborea and new Atlantis will emerge again after the last days are over. Physical matter such as atoms, molecules, microorganisms, and cells are confined to the aspects of time for where there is a beginning, then there is an end to all things, and a rebirth of new matter. The same with the star lifecycles in our galaxy which tell us that we are still bound by time, just as the planets that rotate on their own axis and around the sun tell the time of what age these objects are from far beyond our planet. Time is a record keeper of history, and by embracing our romantic historical roots again, then only can we be able to bring about radical revolutions to change the world we live in and deserve to have for ourselves.

Even though we are in the darkness of night where chaos is everywhere, but let us keep our expectations up towards a new Aryan Universe to come under National Socialism, and let us complete the tasks that Our fallen Fuhrer Adolf Hitler could not accomplish during NS Germany’s 12 years of existence. Let us pick up from where Our German brethren left for us to carry the torch from relay to relay without ceasing, and let us have courage during these days of darkness, and more importantly let us be courageous to fight our adversaries, reach towards perfection, and be reborn unto youth in a new Aryan Solar Civilization which has no end, and glory without end!

One thought on “National Socialism is the worldview of the last days

  1. Article from American Renaissance: Anglo-Saxons Aren’t Real, Cambridge Tells Students in Effort to Fight ‘Nationalism’
    Craig Simpson, The Telegraph, June 3, 2023

    My comment: very appalling how anti Aryans will go to great lengths to destroy the great Anglo-Saxon Race in todays post modern world of post truth, and post everything.



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